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Ayurvedic massage is globally popular. Have you ever wondered why this type of massage is so popular?

Well, there are so many reasons. There are many interesting facts you need to know about Ayurvedic Massage.

Following are list of 10 interesting facts about Ayurvedic massage

1. Based on ancient methods

Ayurvedic massages follow the principles of Ayurveda – a widely popular medicinal system that originated in India almost 5000 years ago. 

Understandably, this Ayurvedic massage is one of the oldest continuously practiced massaging methods in the world. The main techniques used in Ayurvedic massage still follow ancient principles.

Especially, treatments that are designed based on the understanding of the mind-body connection. That is why ayurvedic massage is not just focused on providing relaxation. But also the spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. 

2. Provide a personalized approach

The Ayurvedic principles say that the physical, mental, and emotional health of a person depends upon his or her doshas. That is the balance between the five elements – water, air, earth, space, and fire.

The ratio of dosha varies from person to person. So, each person demands a different type of massaging.

In ayurvedic massage, the practitioner will help you to determine your dosha imbalance first. So that the practitioner can choose the right combination of techniques and dietary plan. For another person, the treatment will be completely different as that person has a unique dosha imbalance.

This personalized approach used in Ayurvedic massage will ensure each person gets the right treatment that addresses their unique needs. 


3. Use holistic approach 

As our mind and body are interconnected, ayurvedic massage focuses on providing overall well-being, not just physical relaxation. Only then a person can experience optimal health and relaxation.

So, within this holistic massaging method, the therapist will find out your unique doshas – vata, pita, and Kapha. It will help the practitioner to choose the right treatments and routines for the customer. 

Ayurvedic massage focuses on helping the recipient to keep the balance of three doshas. In that way, the recipient can enjoy well being of both body and mind.

4. Magic of herbal oils

Herbal oils play a vital role in ayurvedic massage to cure different conditions. Especially in balancing doshas – vata, pita, and kapha. In Ayurveda, there are a variety of herbal oils to cure imbalances in doshas.

Coconut oil, almond oil, castor oil, sesame oil, neem oil, balaashwagandha tailam, dhanwantharam thailam, and pinda thailam are the most commonly used oils in ayurvedic massage.

While massaging these herbal oil will enter into muscle joins. Both massaging techniques and the therapeutic properties of oil will work together to reduce muscle pain and stiffness very effectively.

In addition, by entering the skin, the herbal oils will help to remove toxins and moisturize the skin. The scent of ayurvedic oils has also the power to calm the mind and reduce stress. 


5. Has great cultural significance

Undoubtedly, ayurvedic massage has great cultural significance. This massaging method also known as abhyanga originated in India 5000 years ago. Today, ayurvedic massage is familiar to almost everyone across the world. 

It shows the cultural significance of the Ayurvedic massage. Unlike other massaging methods, ayurvedic massage follows a holistic approach. The goal of Ayurvedic massage is to ensure harmony of the body and mind by keeping the balance of three doshas – the energies that determine the well-being of body and mind.

So, by balancing doshas, the recipient can enjoy physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This unique principle of Ayurvedic massage not only makes it globally popular but also improves its cultural significance. 

6. Follow seasonal adaptations

Different seasons demand different kinds of routines to be followed to keep optimal health. That is why the Ayurvedic massage system follows seasonal adaptation. 

In Ayurveda, it is known as ritucharya – the right methods to be followed to cope with different changes happening within our body as seasons change. 

Ayurveda focuses on balancing doshas throughout the year. In each season, a particular dosha will dominate. So it is important to identify the dominant dosha in a particular season and find the right routines to balance the doshas.

So, this seasonal adaptation in ayurvedic massage will guarantee both the identification of the dominant dosha and the balancing of it by following the right treatments and diet plans. 


7. Offer dietary recommendations

In Ayurvedic massage, the practitioner offers personalized dietary recommendations for the recipient. Because the Ayurvedic diet should be recommended based on the body type and conditions.

The goal is to balance all three doshas – pitta, vata, and kapha, energies that determine well well-being of body and mind. So you have to follow the right types of foods to balance the doshas.

The practitioner will recommend the right dietary plan after identifying dominant doshas. For balancing each dosha you have to follow a specific dietary plan. The Ayurvedic diet mostly contains healthy whole foods. You will also get clear instructions on the right time to eat food. 

8. Promote spiritual well-being

Arguably the most fascinating fact about Ayurvedic massage is its power to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

Keeping the harmony between body and mind will ensure optimal health and well-being. That is the reason Ayurvedic massage focuses on balancing three doshas – vata, pita, and kapha, which will guarantee harmony of body and mind. 

This will not only provide optimal health but also peace and calmness of mind. Understandably, this will help to enhance spiritual well-being. 

The usage of warm, aromatic herbal oils and effective Ayurvedic methods will help you get relief from aches, pain, stress, and anxiety. So, you become more present and aware. 

Both gentle pressure and strokes used in ayurvedic massage will help the recipient to experience deep relaxation. It will enhance both spiritual growth and mindfulness.

9. Use marma therapy

According to Ayurveda, there are important points in our body named marma points where muscle, bones, veins, and joints meet. It is believed that bodily energy flows through marma points.

In marma therapy, the certified therapist will stimulate marma points in the body through massaging. It will improve body energy, improve immunity, relieve muscle pain and stiffness, and improve blood circulation.

Apart from effective ayurvedic massaging techniques and the usage of herbal oils, the inclusion of marma therapy will offer a more satisfying experience and other health benefits for the recipient.

Consultation with a certified practitioner is extremely important to choose the right method. You also have to inform the practitioner of your preferences and needs. 

10. Help You to Be More Emotionally Stable

Because ayurvedic massage not only improves physical health but also promises relief from stress and anxiety. Thereby you will experience enhancement in both physical and mental well-being. As a result, you will become better at controlling your emotions.

The gentle pressures and strokes used in Ayurvedic massage will help the body to reduce the cortisol stress hormone. So you will feel more relaxed and calm. So, instead of being reactive, you will become better at controlling your emotions. 

Fortunately, a good Ayurvedic massage not only improves physical health but also guarantees harmony of body and mind by balancing the doshas –  bodily energies. This will offer both peace of mind and calmness. 

That calm state will help you to become more emotionally aware. That will help you to avoid being reactive regardless of the situations you are in.