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Massages can surely heal your body and mind. But to truly experience the transformative power of massaging you should avoid doing certain things after massaging. 

Because there are certain things you need to follow after a massage to get the full benefits. 

Followings are 10 things you should not do after a massage 

1. Taking a shower immediately

After a good massaging session, your muscles get relaxed. Taking a shower immediately after massaging can interrupt this relaxed state.

In addition, massage oil provides many benefits for the skin and muscles. But washing away these oils right after massaging will prevent your body from getting the full benefits, especially for the skin. 

2. Being in a stressful environment

The primary benefit of massages is deep relaxation and calmness. As you can imagine being in a stressful situation can trigger a stress response. 

As your body and mind feel deeply relaxed through massaging you will become more mindful. As a result, you will feel improved focus, concentration, and emotional intelligence. As you can imagine, a stressful situation makes it hard to be mindful. 

See, being in a stressful situation can cause the release of cortisol – the stress hormone. It can counteract several benefits achieved through massaging including relief from muscle tension, pain, and improved blood flow.

So, to enjoy the full benefits of massaging you should allow yourself to rest in a calm environment after massaging. Try to avoid being in noisy and stressful situations.


3. Having a heavy meal

Because feeling full can counteract the deep relaxation offered by the massaging. You will also feel tired and can experience digestive discomfort. That will surely interrupt the calm and peaceful state offered by the massage.

A good massaging will help the body to release toxins. When you eat full, this detoxification process of the body will be affected.

So, choose light meals that won’t affect the relaxed state and detoxification process of the body. 

4. Doing heavy exercise

Your muscles get relief from pain, and tension and feel relaxed after massaging. However, doing heavy exercise after massaging can cause muscle pain again. 

There are also chances for muscle soreness and injuries. That will surely the recovery process of the body.

Arguably, the most important benefit of massages is relief from stress, and anxiety, and a deep relaxed state. Understandably, doing heavy exercise after massaging can affect the calming effect you receive. 

So, allow yourself to rest for at least 24 hours after getting a massage. It will enhance the recovery process of the body and allow the mind to enjoy a deep relaxed state.


5. Checking your smartphone

The right massaging techniques and the calm atmosphere of the center will help you to feel relaxed and calm. The right thing you can do after massaging is to allow yourself to be in that peaceful, calm state. 

To do so you should avoid anything that will disrupt the calmness of your mind, especially smartphones. The countless notifications, messages, and emails will surely interfere with a calm state of mind. 

See, a deep relaxed state of mind will improve your immunity power. In addition, you can stay more present and mindful. So choose not to check your smartphone right after massaging. 

6. Drinking Alcohol or Caeffeine

There are several reasons to avoid both alcohol and caffeine after getting a massage. First of all, both alcohol and caffeine interfere calming effect of massaging.

See, a deep relaxation state has several benefits including improved concentration, focus, digestion, emotional well-being, and lowering blood pressure and inflammation. 

Both alcohol and caffeine disrupt not just relaxation but also sleep. Remember you need to rest and sleep well for optimal recovery.

Alcohol and caffeine consumption also lead to dehydration of the body. As a result, you will feel tiredness, headaches, and dizziness. 

So, by avoiding both alcohol and caffeine your body can get the full benefits of massaging and optimal recovery. 


7. Not drinking enough water

Drinking enough water after massaging will help the body remove toxins formed within muscles. See, your body needs water after getting a massage. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, tiredness, and headaches.

In addition to enhancing the detoxification process of the body, staying hydrated will help you to stay calm and relaxed after massage.

Another important benefit of staying hydrated is improved blood circulation. It will ensure the delivery of nutrients and enough oxygen to the muscles and enhance the muscle recovery process. 

So make sure you drink plenty of water after getting the massage. 

8. Driving Immediately after the massage

There is a chance of feeling dizziness and lightheadedness after getting a massage. So it is not safe to drive immediately after getting a massage.

Also sometimes you feel muscle soreness after massaging, especially after deep tissue massaging. It is normal and a part of the healing process of the body. If you feel so it makes it very difficult to drive carefully. 

You also feel dehydrated after a massage. Dehydration can cause tiredness, dizziness, muscle cramps, headaches, and low blood pressure. So, you have to drink plenty of water and take rest after massaging. It is also another important reason to avoid driving after getting a massage. 

9. Eating sugary foods

The rise in blood sugar levels can lead to dizziness and fatigue. Understandably this condition will interfere with the calming, peaceful state of massaging. Eating sugary foods can also cause inflammation. 

Massaging will help to enhance muscle repair and recovery. You need healthy fats, proteins, and carbs to help this process. Not sugary foods. 

10. Smoking

A good massage promises well being of both body and mind. But smoking can counteract several amazing benefits of massaging. 

Massages are known for providing deep relaxation by reducing the level of stress hormone called cortisol. At the same time, smoking can elevate the level of stress hormones. So, smoking can certainly cause anxiety and tension.

Improved blood flow is another important benefit of massaging. It will ensure delivering of enough oxygen and nutrients to the cells. But, smoking prevents healthy blood circulation by narrowing the vessels. 

Massages also help to improve breathing and lung function. However, the habit of smoking can surely affect lung function and breathing. 

So, massages offer many physical and mental health benefits. You should avoid everything that negates the benefits of massaging.