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Massage therapy can be a powerful tool in alleviating pain. Here are 7 ways massage therapy helps relieve Chronic pain.

Anaerobic exercises lead to the production of lactic acid due to the partial breakdown of glucose caused by limited oxygen supply. The accumulation of lactic acid causes muscle pain or muscle fatigue. The massage stimulates the blood flow, resulting in more supply of oxygen and flushing out lactic wastes.

The session’s techniques help dilate or widen the blood vessels. Thus the blood flow is increased and so is the oxygen supply. Increased oxygen supply helps in increased metabolism, which fastens muscle recovery.

Massage therapy also helps to promote the flow of blood to the heart, decreasing venous congestion and improving overall circulation. Venous congestion can also lead to chronic pain due to swelling and blockage of nerves in specific areas.

The effects of massage also include a decrease in the blood pressure. The lower blood pressure indicates less resistance against blood circulation. It also helps to rouse the functioning of the lymphatic system which is important for immunity benefits. The massage techniques used help the drainage of lymphatic wastes.

The improved blood circulation during the massage helps release nutrients and flush out wastes. The release of nutrients contributes to the healing of muscle injury and recovery, thus aiding in muscle relaxation. 

The techniques employed in the massage such as kneading (petrissage), and long gliding strokes (effleurage) apply compression to the muscles and elongate the muscle fibers. It also leads to the breakdown of scars and adhesions which causes pain in the muscle tissue.

Stretching and techniques used in massages like myofascial release and trigger point therapy expand and extend the muscles. This technique also helps to increase mobility and flexibility.

Other massages like aromatherapy and hot stone massage incorporate different approaches, unlike other massages. The heated basalt stone used in hot stone massage provides extra relaxation due to the placement of the heated stone. Heat also helps dilate the blood vessels.

The essential oils used in aromatherapy also aid additionally in muscle relaxation due to their medical properties.


Inflammation in muscles known as myositis happens due to several reasons. Some of them are physical activities, muscle strain or injury, infections, autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders, ischemia, and so on.

Identifying the underlying causes is important to treat the inflammation. Muscle Inflammation leads to chronic pain. Massage therapy is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation.

The pressure used by the therapists helps to break the scar and adhesions in the muscle tissues that cause inflammation. It also elongates the muscle fibers, tendons, and fascia. The swelling and pain are reduced by loosening and elongating the muscle tissues.

The massage also initiates the parasympathetic nervous system. This initiation induces a state of relaxation in the body. It also lowers the stress level of the body by decreasing the cortisol levels in the body. The relaxation eases the chronic pain.

Neurotransmitters and other hormones such as oxytocin, and serotonin are released after the massage therapy.  These hormones are great with their anti-inflammatory effects.

Endorphins are neurotransmitters that are produced naturally in the body. They are the body’s natural painkillers and are released as a response to stimuli produced during pain, stress, laughter, exercise, and certain foods. 

Endorphins function by reducing the feeling of pain and promoting a sense of well-being. The release of these hormones helps in pain relief, mood enhancement, stress reduction, enhanced immune system, and regulation of appetite.

Massage is a great to reduce pain because it helps release endorphins in the body. During the therapy, the endorphins are attached to the opioid receptors in the brain and the spinal cord limiting the feeling of pain. This helps to reduce chronic pain from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or neuropathy.

Reducing stress and anxiety levels is a major outcome of this as it also enhances the mood and promotes the overall well-being of those who suffer from chronic pain.  

People suffering from chronic pain often suffer from sleep disruptions and insomnia. Massages promote the release of endorphins which also help to get quality sleep and improve sleep patterns.


Nerve compression or nerve impingement is a condition where the nerve is compressed or pinched which causes symptoms like pain, numbness, fatigue in the area, and so on. Nerve compression is caused by various factors such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, injury, tumors, and more

Nerves play a vital role in the body’s function. Nerve compression can result in a delay in the transmission of signals. The compression of nerves causes sharp or shooting pain in the affected area.

Massage offers an excellent method of reducing nerve compression and relieving the pain caused by it. 

The techniques employed in the therapy such as kneading and long strokes produce a certain level of pressure that aids in releasing the tension and thereby releasing the muscles that compress the nerves.

The therapy also relaxes the tendons, ligaments, and fascia that compress the nerve. It also helps aid the healing process faster.  The endorphins released during the process also elevate the pain. Thus the people suffering from the pain get relief.

A limited range of motions is commonly seen in the majority of people as they age. There are a lot of factors that cause this including muscle tightness, joint stiffness, scar tissues, muscle weakness, adhesions, poor posture, nerve compressions, etc. This can also result in pain and tension.

The massage techniques used provide the muscles and tissues with flexibility and mobility. This can also ease the pain caused by the underlying factors behind the limited range of motion.

Chronic pain can be caused by the adhesions and knots in the muscle tissues. Breakdown of these tissues with the help of techniques used in myofascial massage and deep tissue massage provides with better range of motions. 

The improved blood circulation promotes nutrients and oxygen supply and discards metabolic wastes. this alleviates pain and healing. It also reduces inflammation in the joints.

The stretches also help provide lubrication of the joint surfaces. This reduces stiffness and improves mobility. 

Stress is caused by the increased level of cortisol in the body. The increased stress level also can escalate chronic pain. Even though stress and pain aren’t directly connected, increased levels of stress can escalate chronic pain through various physical and psychological mechanisms.

One of the ways the body reacts to increased cortisol levels is by tensing the muscles. It causes stiffness and discomfort and can also lead to headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain.

The release of cortisol and adrenaline can also increase the sensitivity of the body to pain, making chronic pain more intense. It can alter the brain’s responses and change pain tolerance.

Massage therapy releases tension, reducing the spasms in the muscles. It can also stimulate the sensory receptors reducing the feeling of pain.

The endorphins released during the massage also help to reduce the pain sensation and provide a relaxation effect to the muscles. The endorphins also help to lift the mood.  This also induces the release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones which are major stress hormones.