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A good head massage doesn’t demand a lot of your time. At the same time, it will provide amazing benefits for your mind and body.

Followings are 10 surprising benefits of a head massage

1. It Promotes Hair Growth

Head massages are one of the best methods to improve your hair growth. One main reason for that is improved blood flow. Thereby the hair follicles will get enough oxygen and nutrients.

So, it will help the hair follicles to remain healthy. As a result, you will see improved hair growth. 

As you know stress can lead to hair loss. A good massage can reduce stress levels and provide deep relaxation. In that way, head massages can reduce stress-related hair loss. 

Head massages are also known for activating hair follicles. Which can improve the chances of hair regrowth. 


2. Provide Deep Relaxation

A good head massage will result in the release of endorphins, pain-relieving and stress-reducing hormones. Therefore the recipient of the massage will experience deep relaxation and calmness. 

The different techniques used in an effective head massage like kneading, stroking, and acupressure will relieve muscle tension. It will promote mental peace and calmness.

Head massages are also very effective in activating the parasympathetic nervous system, a network of nerves that promotes relaxation. 

In addition, the increased blood circulation from a head massage guarantees the delivery of enough oxygen and nutrients. It will enhance well-being and promote relaxation. 


3. It enhances sleep quality

Head massages will activate the parasympathetic nervous system, a network of nerves within our body that is responsible for relaxing our body. So, by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system the body will reduce blood pressure and enhance relaxation, which will result in improved sleep quality.

The release of endorphins during head massage can improve sleep quality significantly. These neurotransmitters can enhance the feeling of well-being. Thereby the body feels more relaxed and calm. In that way, you will experience improved sleep quality.

Head massages can also effectively relieve muscle tension. It will further improve the chances of getting quality sleep. 

4. It reduces headaches and migraines

Head massages can surely reduce headaches and migraines. But you have to keep in mind that it can’t be a solution to all types of headaches and migraines.

Muscle tension in the head and neck due to poor posture and lack of sleep will result in tension headaches. Different techniques used in head massages can effectively relieve tensed muscles. Thus, the recipient can feel relief from tensed headaches. 

Chronic stress can surely result in headaches and migraines. An effective head massage can reduce the level of stress hormone, cortisol. It promotes deep relaxation and calmness. Thereby, the head massages will reduce the chances of painful headaches. 

One major cause of headaches and migraines is sleep deprivation. Head massages ensure improved blood circulation, reduction in stress hormone levels, and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system for the recipient. This will significantly enhance sleep quality and reduce the chance of painful headaches. 


5. Improves Blood Circulation

As you know stress can cause lots of issues, one important one is the narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, the body can’t maintain healthy blood circulation. 

Head massages can reduce the level of stress hormone called cortisol. Therefore the body will feel more relaxed and also reduce chances for poor blood circulation.

The lymphatic system in our body maintains healthy fluid levels. It will drain the excess fluid levels. Head massages will promote lymphatic drainage and it will improve the condition for healthy blood circulation. 

The pressure from head massages will result in improved vasodilation – the widening of blood vessels. So it improves conditions for healthy blood circulation. 

6. Reduce stress and tension

The different techniques used in head massaging called kneading and stroking will release feel-good hormones called endorphins. Hence, the recipient will experience deep relaxation, calmness, and relief from stress and tension.

One outstanding benefit of head massage is the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore the body will experience reduced heart rate and blood pressure, which promotes calmness and relief from stress. 

The improved blood circulation from a head massage will ensure the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Thus, the body feels free from fatigue and experiences deep relaxation and relief from stress. 

In addition, head massages can efficiently reduce tensions around the neck and head. It will not only promote relaxation but also relief from stress. 

7. Improves Mood

Regular head massages will release a mood neurotransmitter named serotonin. This chemical will relieve stress, and promote physical and mental well-being. 

Tensed muscles can cause restlessness and headaches. A good head massage will help the recipient to experience relief from stress and uplift in mood by releasing muscle tension. 

The pressure from an efficient head massage will improve blood flow to the brain. This will improve energy levels, provide relaxation, and promote a positive mood. 

8. Help to boost the immune system

The lymphatic system maintains healthy fluid levels within the human body. Head massages can stimulate the lymphatic system. Therefore, the body can effectively remove toxins and unwanted products. It will help to strengthen the immune system.

Needless to say, the stress can significantly affect the immune system. Reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol, activating the parasympathetic system for relaxation, and promoting healthy blood flow head massages can provide relief from stress and anxiety.

Thus, the deep relaxed state and calmness will not only promote well-being but also provide an enhanced immune system. 

Another factor that will boost your immune system is quality sleep. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation regular head massages can ensure quality sleep. Thus you can avoid the chance of weakening of the immune system by sleep deprivation. 

9. Reduce dandruff 

The building up of dead skin can affect scalp health and lead to dandruff. Regular head massaging will improve blood flow to the scalp. It will not only strengthen the follicles but also ensure the removal of dead skin cells. 

The improved blood flow also ensures the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. Thus, a good hair massage ensures the recipient gets a clean and healthy scalp. 

10. Improve alertness

A good head massage will improve blood flow to the brain. This ensures the brain will get enough oxygen and sufficient nutrients. So, it will improve both memory power and alertness.

In addition, head massages will also improve sleep quality and provide relief from stress and anxiety. So the recipient of the massage will experience a deeply relaxed and calm mental state. Understandably, calmness and peacefulness will improve both concentration and mental alertness. 


Unquestionably, a good head massage will provide outstanding benefits for both body and mind. But, consult with a certified health professional first. Explain about your condition and preferences. Following the suggestions you will receive from the health professional can help you to get the full benefits of head massaging.